Thursday, June 26, 2008

to all drivers

Hello there now I know that all too soon many of us in our class we be looking forward to the rather nerve racking experience that is driving. So I put together this blog full of some helpful tips that I have found while beginning to learn.
1) This is the first and proberly the most important rule of driving you will ever learn, and this is KEEP TO THE LEFT hand side of the road, (very important well that’s what I’ve found.)
2) Make sure you always indicate where you’re going (E.G if you’re taking a turn off the motorway.)
3) Hazards: these can be permanent or temporary. Permanent signs are colored yellow and black and temporary signs are colored orange and black.
4) When going straight through an intersection, you must give way to: all vehicles coming straight through from your right.
5) When turning left at an intersection, you must give way to: All vehicles coming straight through from your right.
: All vehicles coming towards you and turning right.
This information was read from the official New Zealand road code for car drivers 2005 edition (some of it may have changed)
Good luck to all those taking the test.

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