Sunday, June 1, 2008


Maybe it isn’t true.
Maybe it’s a lie.
Yes a lie this cant of happened not to me, not to dad. He wasn’t doing anything wrong.
My heart feels so hollow; I can feel the echo of my breathing.
I realize what heartache feels like and I don’t like it!
The feeling there is something missing, something you’ve forgotten, and if you had remembered it you could of prevented what had happened.
I fell like the whole world should stop just so they can grieve with me but I no that in reality it will never happen.
Crying and ignoring people will not change what has happened nor will it face the challenges that lie ahead for me
I’ve got to face what happened and get on with my life, I know that’s what he would have wanted me to do.
I’ve got to be strong.

this is just a story and has no relation to my father

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